Well life is pretty boring right now. Each day is much the same as the rest. I have found it warmer sleeping on a duvet near the boiler at night cos mum turns the heating off but the boiler is on. I don't understand it but who cares when I have a warm soft bed to lie on?
I do feel better better in myself and my leg does not hurt at all. It is awkward sometimes when I catch my toes on something but I am practicing walking on 3 legs and I can move quite quickly like that. I would have had the fox the other night if Mum hadn't taken so long to get my boot on and been so noisy opening the door. The fox had a ton of time to vanish before I got out there AND Mum kept me on the lead anyway. Spoil sport!
I must admit Mum is well trained in giving me tidbits but some do have funny hard centres - I spat it out the other day and mum was quite cross with me. But she then gave me an even nicer treat in the form of a lump of pate. I didn't bother chewing that, I just swallowed it down. That pleased her no end. Hey Mum! I'll eat pate any time you like - it's lovely.
I don't like Mum going out of sight and I get upset when she goes upstairs without me. I have tried to get upstairs but Mum has put her shopping trolley across the stairs so I can't do it....YET!
Mum took me to the vet on Monday and they gave me a needle which I hate :-( but it made me go all dopey and happy :-). The nice man took off the old yellow dressing and bandages from my bad leg and washed it all down. The young lady was lovely and petted and stroked me while the vet did his job. They gave me a new dressing and wrapped it all up in a bright red bandage! Mum came and took me home again after and I just slept on my rug when I got home. Mum insists on lifting me in and out of the car but I think I can do it myself now. Certainly getting in. But it is a bit of a drop getting out. I am a big dog for mum to lift up and down so I keep very still for her.
I went out this morning to do a wee and poo and it was all covered in that cold white stuff again, like a couple of weeks ago. I didn't play in it this time BRRR too cold on my paws. I ran, well limped, back indoors and shook to get rid of any cold white stuff.
A snooze by the boiler sounded good to me, after I had my breakfast.
I've slept in different spots during the day. Mum moved my rug into the patch of sunshine and that was nice for half an hour or so.
Uh Oh I need a pee. BRB!
Brrr that was cold!! The white stuff is still everywhere and very cold on the paws! I was sure I could smell fox and put my nose close to have a better sniff. I sniffed hard and got a nose full of cold white stuff! NOT nice! brr I need somewhere to warm up now. Off for a snooze by the boiler I think! night night for now *licks*
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