I was getting really bored at home. I mean sleeping most of the day and night on a soft duvet bed is ok for a while, but I am an athlete and I'm losing my muscles! Mum has been giving me massages which I love but oh how I long to run again.
Yesterday I thought I'd try my old system and it worked! When it was time for walkies I used to get up and dance around the living room, givng little woofs. I have been trying to say 'walkies' but all I can do is w-w-w-woof. Mum is very clever though and understands me now. So yesterday when I tried it she said 'YES!' . She got her shoes and coat on and put my boot on my bad leg and my nice fleece coat on me. She managed to find my outdoors collar and picked up the pink lead. We were off! I was a little disappointed we didn't go in the car to the park I love so much, but a walk down the road was ok. Mum can't walk fast which suits me right now. I so wanted to run off down the road but I soon realised a slow walk was all I could manage anyway. It was good to sniff all the smells on the walls, posts and trees. Loads of new smells for me! My nose was dripping after a few minutes because I sniffed so hard to get all the news.
My biggest news though is that I am back sleeping on my upstairs bed! I love that bed, and, although Mum insists on sharing it with me at night, I have it all to myself in the afternoon. It IS difficult getting up and down the stairs, perishing leg won't bend now, but I am ok taking it slowly. Coming down is the hardest and Mum helps me by walking down just in front of me in case I slip.
All the nasty cold stuff has gone and the garden is just wet now. I did like the white stuff when it was new and fluffy but the last bits were hard and slippery and made it difficult for me getting around because my boot slipped on it.
I had another trip to the vet Monday, and I got special pats from him because I was so good. I was out the back waiting to go home when I heard my mum's voice through the grill in the door. I called to her but she didn't come. It worked on the nurse though and she brought me out to mum :) Mum had to pay the bill and I was bit in need of a wee and poo so the nice nurse took me outside. She was very nice to me. Mum then took me home and gave me a delicious bowl of fish and rice.
When I went out in the garden next time I could smell foxes. They think it's their garden and keep peeing all round - it stinks! I then go round peeing to put MY scent everywhere, but it's nowhere near as smelly. One day I will catch one of those pests and tell 'em what for!
Time for a nap I think - hmm duvet and rug in the lounge or a stagger upstairs for the bed? Mum's heading for the pooter so I think I'll stay here with her.
Woof woof for now.
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