Just me

Sunday, 19 December 2010

A warm night

Do you know my Mum went out last! Without me! She gave me my dinner before, yummy tripe with IAMS, and made me go out in the garden! Brrrr! Still loads of white stuff around. I came back in and headed for the boiler room. Mum's put an extra duvet in there for me and it's like sleeping on a warm cloud. It puffs up around me and is soooo comfortable. I just went to sleep and don't remember a thing until she came home. I was too warm and sleepy to bother to greet her. She fussed around trying to get me to go out in the garden again but I didn't want to. I'll let you know when Mum! It was too warm there, I didn't want to get frozen again.
She was all settled in the lounge when I decided I DID want to go and then she moaned and grumbled at me. There's no pleasing some people! Anyway I slept well on my duvet bed by the boiler and woke Mum up when it got light. The garden had fox smells around so I had a good sniff about while I was outside. I did sniff a bit hard at one point and got a nose full of white stuff, it made me sneeze and felt awful!
I am getting frustrated I can't go upstairs to sleep on Mum's bed. She comes and goes OK so why can't I? I'm sure I could manage to get up the stairs even with this big stiff leg. Oh - I suppose coming back down might be a bit more difficult :( But one day I'll get up there again.
Mum has definitely got the best bed in the house. I used to sleep there at night on one side and I let Mum sleep on the other side. She does make funny noises in the night though, snuffling, grunting, and noisy breathing. Wakes me up sometimes! I just stretch out my legs and push her in her back, that usually does the trick and it wakes her up so she goes quiet. At least I don't have her sleep noises to bother me when I sleep by the boiler.
I am really missing my walkies now. Not been for a run in ages. I know I couldn't run much with this stiff leg but just wait til it's back to normal and watch me go! I miss all the news too. Always lots of good smells at the park. I wonder if my friends miss me. I miss playing with them.
*Yawn* I feel sleepy again and that duvet bed is so warm. Time for a snooze I think.
Bye until next time.

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