I was getting really bored at home. I mean sleeping most of the day and night on a soft duvet bed is ok for a while, but I am an athlete and I'm losing my muscles! Mum has been giving me massages which I love but oh how I long to run again.
Yesterday I thought I'd try my old system and it worked! When it was time for walkies I used to get up and dance around the living room, givng little woofs. I have been trying to say 'walkies' but all I can do is w-w-w-woof. Mum is very clever though and understands me now. So yesterday when I tried it she said 'YES!' . She got her shoes and coat on and put my boot on my bad leg and my nice fleece coat on me. She managed to find my outdoors collar and picked up the pink lead. We were off! I was a little disappointed we didn't go in the car to the park I love so much, but a walk down the road was ok. Mum can't walk fast which suits me right now. I so wanted to run off down the road but I soon realised a slow walk was all I could manage anyway. It was good to sniff all the smells on the walls, posts and trees. Loads of new smells for me! My nose was dripping after a few minutes because I sniffed so hard to get all the news.
My biggest news though is that I am back sleeping on my upstairs bed! I love that bed, and, although Mum insists on sharing it with me at night, I have it all to myself in the afternoon. It IS difficult getting up and down the stairs, perishing leg won't bend now, but I am ok taking it slowly. Coming down is the hardest and Mum helps me by walking down just in front of me in case I slip.
All the nasty cold stuff has gone and the garden is just wet now. I did like the white stuff when it was new and fluffy but the last bits were hard and slippery and made it difficult for me getting around because my boot slipped on it.
I had another trip to the vet Monday, and I got special pats from him because I was so good. I was out the back waiting to go home when I heard my mum's voice through the grill in the door. I called to her but she didn't come. It worked on the nurse though and she brought me out to mum :) Mum had to pay the bill and I was bit in need of a wee and poo so the nice nurse took me outside. She was very nice to me. Mum then took me home and gave me a delicious bowl of fish and rice.
When I went out in the garden next time I could smell foxes. They think it's their garden and keep peeing all round - it stinks! I then go round peeing to put MY scent everywhere, but it's nowhere near as smelly. One day I will catch one of those pests and tell 'em what for!
Time for a nap I think - hmm duvet and rug in the lounge or a stagger upstairs for the bed? Mum's heading for the pooter so I think I'll stay here with her.
Woof woof for now.
Thursday, 30 December 2010
Tuesday, 21 December 2010
getting stir crazy
I am bored, bored, bored. Mum and Jen went out today so I just slept, and slept some more. Warm and comfy of course and I had a good breakfast earlier but I so want to get out, sniff some smells and run around a bit. I nearly had the chance to chase a squirrel today but mum shooed him away before she let me out. She is spoiling my fun!
I had to spend a few hours at the vets yesterday. They made me all sleepy again and redid my leg bandages. I did not get any breakfast before we went and I was starving hungry by dinner time when Mum brought me home. I had to wait while she cooked me some lovely steamed fish and boiled rice. I got a big bowlful and it was lovely! I was hoping for more of the same today but it was back to IAMS kibble and tinned tripe. Oh how I love that tripe! Licked my dish clean :) I even got a tasty lump of pate later as a treat. I just swallowed it whole. Usually when I do that, Mum moans I can't have tasted it, but this time she seemed pleased. There's just no understanding women! Mind you I have had the occasional treat that's had a nasty lump in it and tasted awful when I chewed it. I spat it out and Mum was not amused. Well, would you eat something that tastes horrible? At least she's given up on forcing my mouth open and trying to shove things down my throat! That was awful! I became expert at spitting it out sideways :)
I'd much rather have a lump of pate any time.
I can't wait to go for a proper walk again. I hope it's soon. Mind you I don't want to go out in this cold wet stuff. It freezes my paws off! It's bad enough going in the garden to pee and poo. The white stuff is not as bad as it was but it's till deep in places.
All I need to do now is decide which duvet I'm going to sleep on tonight. Mum's getting ready for bed now too. I know what's coming...she'll push me out in the cold garden and won't let me in until I've wee'd - not nice! It's cold out there Mum!
Goodnight all.
A big woof and lick to Jack in Ireland!
I had to spend a few hours at the vets yesterday. They made me all sleepy again and redid my leg bandages. I did not get any breakfast before we went and I was starving hungry by dinner time when Mum brought me home. I had to wait while she cooked me some lovely steamed fish and boiled rice. I got a big bowlful and it was lovely! I was hoping for more of the same today but it was back to IAMS kibble and tinned tripe. Oh how I love that tripe! Licked my dish clean :) I even got a tasty lump of pate later as a treat. I just swallowed it whole. Usually when I do that, Mum moans I can't have tasted it, but this time she seemed pleased. There's just no understanding women! Mind you I have had the occasional treat that's had a nasty lump in it and tasted awful when I chewed it. I spat it out and Mum was not amused. Well, would you eat something that tastes horrible? At least she's given up on forcing my mouth open and trying to shove things down my throat! That was awful! I became expert at spitting it out sideways :)
I'd much rather have a lump of pate any time.
I can't wait to go for a proper walk again. I hope it's soon. Mind you I don't want to go out in this cold wet stuff. It freezes my paws off! It's bad enough going in the garden to pee and poo. The white stuff is not as bad as it was but it's till deep in places.
All I need to do now is decide which duvet I'm going to sleep on tonight. Mum's getting ready for bed now too. I know what's coming...she'll push me out in the cold garden and won't let me in until I've wee'd - not nice! It's cold out there Mum!
Goodnight all.
A big woof and lick to Jack in Ireland!
Sunday, 19 December 2010
A warm night
Do you know my Mum went out last! Without me! She gave me my dinner before, yummy tripe with IAMS, and made me go out in the garden! Brrrr! Still loads of white stuff around. I came back in and headed for the boiler room. Mum's put an extra duvet in there for me and it's like sleeping on a warm cloud. It puffs up around me and is soooo comfortable. I just went to sleep and don't remember a thing until she came home. I was too warm and sleepy to bother to greet her. She fussed around trying to get me to go out in the garden again but I didn't want to. I'll let you know when Mum! It was too warm there, I didn't want to get frozen again.
She was all settled in the lounge when I decided I DID want to go and then she moaned and grumbled at me. There's no pleasing some people! Anyway I slept well on my duvet bed by the boiler and woke Mum up when it got light. The garden had fox smells around so I had a good sniff about while I was outside. I did sniff a bit hard at one point and got a nose full of white stuff, it made me sneeze and felt awful!
I am getting frustrated I can't go upstairs to sleep on Mum's bed. She comes and goes OK so why can't I? I'm sure I could manage to get up the stairs even with this big stiff leg. Oh - I suppose coming back down might be a bit more difficult :( But one day I'll get up there again.
Mum has definitely got the best bed in the house. I used to sleep there at night on one side and I let Mum sleep on the other side. She does make funny noises in the night though, snuffling, grunting, and noisy breathing. Wakes me up sometimes! I just stretch out my legs and push her in her back, that usually does the trick and it wakes her up so she goes quiet. At least I don't have her sleep noises to bother me when I sleep by the boiler.
I am really missing my walkies now. Not been for a run in ages. I know I couldn't run much with this stiff leg but just wait til it's back to normal and watch me go! I miss all the news too. Always lots of good smells at the park. I wonder if my friends miss me. I miss playing with them.
*Yawn* I feel sleepy again and that duvet bed is so warm. Time for a snooze I think.
Bye until next time.
She was all settled in the lounge when I decided I DID want to go and then she moaned and grumbled at me. There's no pleasing some people! Anyway I slept well on my duvet bed by the boiler and woke Mum up when it got light. The garden had fox smells around so I had a good sniff about while I was outside. I did sniff a bit hard at one point and got a nose full of white stuff, it made me sneeze and felt awful!
I am getting frustrated I can't go upstairs to sleep on Mum's bed. She comes and goes OK so why can't I? I'm sure I could manage to get up the stairs even with this big stiff leg. Oh - I suppose coming back down might be a bit more difficult :( But one day I'll get up there again.
Mum has definitely got the best bed in the house. I used to sleep there at night on one side and I let Mum sleep on the other side. She does make funny noises in the night though, snuffling, grunting, and noisy breathing. Wakes me up sometimes! I just stretch out my legs and push her in her back, that usually does the trick and it wakes her up so she goes quiet. At least I don't have her sleep noises to bother me when I sleep by the boiler.
I am really missing my walkies now. Not been for a run in ages. I know I couldn't run much with this stiff leg but just wait til it's back to normal and watch me go! I miss all the news too. Always lots of good smells at the park. I wonder if my friends miss me. I miss playing with them.
*Yawn* I feel sleepy again and that duvet bed is so warm. Time for a snooze I think.
Bye until next time.
Saturday, 18 December 2010
A week's progress
Well life is pretty boring right now. Each day is much the same as the rest. I have found it warmer sleeping on a duvet near the boiler at night cos mum turns the heating off but the boiler is on. I don't understand it but who cares when I have a warm soft bed to lie on?
I do feel better better in myself and my leg does not hurt at all. It is awkward sometimes when I catch my toes on something but I am practicing walking on 3 legs and I can move quite quickly like that. I would have had the fox the other night if Mum hadn't taken so long to get my boot on and been so noisy opening the door. The fox had a ton of time to vanish before I got out there AND Mum kept me on the lead anyway. Spoil sport!
I must admit Mum is well trained in giving me tidbits but some do have funny hard centres - I spat it out the other day and mum was quite cross with me. But she then gave me an even nicer treat in the form of a lump of pate. I didn't bother chewing that, I just swallowed it down. That pleased her no end. Hey Mum! I'll eat pate any time you like - it's lovely.
I don't like Mum going out of sight and I get upset when she goes upstairs without me. I have tried to get upstairs but Mum has put her shopping trolley across the stairs so I can't do it....YET!
Mum took me to the vet on Monday and they gave me a needle which I hate :-( but it made me go all dopey and happy :-). The nice man took off the old yellow dressing and bandages from my bad leg and washed it all down. The young lady was lovely and petted and stroked me while the vet did his job. They gave me a new dressing and wrapped it all up in a bright red bandage! Mum came and took me home again after and I just slept on my rug when I got home. Mum insists on lifting me in and out of the car but I think I can do it myself now. Certainly getting in. But it is a bit of a drop getting out. I am a big dog for mum to lift up and down so I keep very still for her.
I went out this morning to do a wee and poo and it was all covered in that cold white stuff again, like a couple of weeks ago. I didn't play in it this time BRRR too cold on my paws. I ran, well limped, back indoors and shook to get rid of any cold white stuff.
A snooze by the boiler sounded good to me, after I had my breakfast.
I've slept in different spots during the day. Mum moved my rug into the patch of sunshine and that was nice for half an hour or so.
Uh Oh I need a pee. BRB!
Brrr that was cold!! The white stuff is still everywhere and very cold on the paws! I was sure I could smell fox and put my nose close to have a better sniff. I sniffed hard and got a nose full of cold white stuff! NOT nice! brr I need somewhere to warm up now. Off for a snooze by the boiler I think! night night for now *licks*
I do feel better better in myself and my leg does not hurt at all. It is awkward sometimes when I catch my toes on something but I am practicing walking on 3 legs and I can move quite quickly like that. I would have had the fox the other night if Mum hadn't taken so long to get my boot on and been so noisy opening the door. The fox had a ton of time to vanish before I got out there AND Mum kept me on the lead anyway. Spoil sport!
I must admit Mum is well trained in giving me tidbits but some do have funny hard centres - I spat it out the other day and mum was quite cross with me. But she then gave me an even nicer treat in the form of a lump of pate. I didn't bother chewing that, I just swallowed it down. That pleased her no end. Hey Mum! I'll eat pate any time you like - it's lovely.
I don't like Mum going out of sight and I get upset when she goes upstairs without me. I have tried to get upstairs but Mum has put her shopping trolley across the stairs so I can't do it....YET!
Mum took me to the vet on Monday and they gave me a needle which I hate :-( but it made me go all dopey and happy :-). The nice man took off the old yellow dressing and bandages from my bad leg and washed it all down. The young lady was lovely and petted and stroked me while the vet did his job. They gave me a new dressing and wrapped it all up in a bright red bandage! Mum came and took me home again after and I just slept on my rug when I got home. Mum insists on lifting me in and out of the car but I think I can do it myself now. Certainly getting in. But it is a bit of a drop getting out. I am a big dog for mum to lift up and down so I keep very still for her.
I went out this morning to do a wee and poo and it was all covered in that cold white stuff again, like a couple of weeks ago. I didn't play in it this time BRRR too cold on my paws. I ran, well limped, back indoors and shook to get rid of any cold white stuff.
A snooze by the boiler sounded good to me, after I had my breakfast.
I've slept in different spots during the day. Mum moved my rug into the patch of sunshine and that was nice for half an hour or so.
Uh Oh I need a pee. BRB!
Brrr that was cold!! The white stuff is still everywhere and very cold on the paws! I was sure I could smell fox and put my nose close to have a better sniff. I sniffed hard and got a nose full of cold white stuff! NOT nice! brr I need somewhere to warm up now. Off for a snooze by the boiler I think! night night for now *licks*
Saturday, 11 December 2010
They call me Hopalong
Lord knows what they did to me, but at least the pain has gone. I'm stuck in this kennel thing with a bowl of water and some horrible dry dog food. My mum sprays mine with some lovely olive oil, makes it taste really good. The girls here are very nice and stop by for a pat now and then. It is very difficult to stand up as I've got this huge 'thing' on my hurt leg. They keep sticking pills down my throat which I hate. Mum gives me mine inside a piece of sausage and she thinks I don't know it's there but I do. Usually the sausage tastes so good I don't mind the pill inside. But sometimes I hang on to the pill in my mouth and spit it out when Mum's not looking. No chance of that with these nurses. At least I have a nice comfy bed to lie on.
Ooh they are taking me out of here! Can I stand up? woo it's wobbly but I'm up. Walkies?? Like this?? you have to be joking! But now you come to mention it I could do with a wee... now would be good! This must be the place .... aaaah! that's so much better! Back to my kennel - slowly. Not only is my leg fat and heavy it's also longer than the others! This is going to take some working out. I got up but how do I get down again on my bed? Ok - it's back end down, then drag the heavy leg forward and slip down on the other leg. I'm down! Not moving for a while now! Feeling sleepy...zzzzz
Time is passing slowly in a haze of sleep, drink, pee's. Don't feel hungry but they brought me some chicken and that was nice.
Now that nice man has come for me. Where to this time? A different door... and my Mum!!!!!!!!!! Oh Mum look what they've done to me! Take me home please! Oh thank goodness we're going to the car! The nice man lifts me in. Ahh familiar smells - apart from my rug - it's all clean and fresh. Not sure I can manage lying down here but it's not good standing up. Here goes... made it. Take me home Mama!
At last! Home sweet home! Oh no - Mum's trying to lift me down - CAREFUL! Ow! Ah firm ground and I'm ok. I need a pee! That grassy bit will do nicely - thanks mum.
Oh so good to be home! I am so looking forward to sleeping on mum's bed again!
Oh no! how the heck can I get upstairs??? Mum's blocked the stairs off now :( does this mean I have to sleep downstairs? Looks like she is sleeping down here with me tonight awww. Roll on tomorrow.
Ooh they are taking me out of here! Can I stand up? woo it's wobbly but I'm up. Walkies?? Like this?? you have to be joking! But now you come to mention it I could do with a wee... now would be good! This must be the place .... aaaah! that's so much better! Back to my kennel - slowly. Not only is my leg fat and heavy it's also longer than the others! This is going to take some working out. I got up but how do I get down again on my bed? Ok - it's back end down, then drag the heavy leg forward and slip down on the other leg. I'm down! Not moving for a while now! Feeling sleepy...zzzzz
Time is passing slowly in a haze of sleep, drink, pee's. Don't feel hungry but they brought me some chicken and that was nice.
Now that nice man has come for me. Where to this time? A different door... and my Mum!!!!!!!!!! Oh Mum look what they've done to me! Take me home please! Oh thank goodness we're going to the car! The nice man lifts me in. Ahh familiar smells - apart from my rug - it's all clean and fresh. Not sure I can manage lying down here but it's not good standing up. Here goes... made it. Take me home Mama!
At last! Home sweet home! Oh no - Mum's trying to lift me down - CAREFUL! Ow! Ah firm ground and I'm ok. I need a pee! That grassy bit will do nicely - thanks mum.
Oh so good to be home! I am so looking forward to sleeping on mum's bed again!
Oh no! how the heck can I get upstairs??? Mum's blocked the stairs off now :( does this mean I have to sleep downstairs? Looks like she is sleeping down here with me tonight awww. Roll on tomorrow.
Wednesday, 8 December 2010
Broken Dreams
I am just coming round in a very strange place. My mum brought me here earlier and went away without me. I hope she comes back soon. I am in a small cage - well it's bigger than most around me but not a lot of room for me to move. OUCH! My leg hurts like mad and is all stiff and heavy. Oooh my head is spinning a bit. I feel wEirD. There's a very nice lady looking at me now and then, and she has gentle hands so I get a nice ear rub from her. My mouth is very dry and feels strange. I don't remember drinking much last night or today.
Last night was bad. I remember going walkies at the park. The ground was hard and very cold and there were little slippery patches of smooth hard stuff. I made mum walk across the park when I did my poo over the far saide, but she keeps saying she needs more exercise! I watched her set off towards the bin and when she reached the fork in the path I set off at top speed. I knew I'd get in 2 or even 3 circuits of the field before she got back to the car, poor old thing can't walk very fast! I remember seeing the hard shiny patch in front of me so I ran across it then BAM! My foot went through the hard surface and I went flying! OWWWW did that hurt! My leg is on fire! It hurts so much! I yelled as I went over and Mum was soon at my side. I could not walk and just stood on three legs shaking. The pain was terrible. Suddenly I was being picked up by a strange man who carried me to the car. I was in no hurry to stand up. It hurt lying down let alone standing on it. Mum drove off and then all of a sudden I was being lifted out by another strange man in a blue suit. He carried me into a very smelly building - a strange smell I recognise. Oh no! It's the vet's! I was here not too long ago when that nasty dog bit me. I had people all round me looking at my hurting leg while Mum cuddled me. A lady stuck a needle in me and I remember nothing more until I woke up feeling wobbly in a cage. All of a sudden I heard Mum's voice then I was being lifted up again and popped back into my mum's car. I just lay there until we got home. My leg felt weird. Not hurting so much but it was all stiff and heavy. Jen carried me into the house and laid me down on a nice thick bed. I was not going anywhere in a hurry and dozed a bit. Mum and Jen kept patting me every time I made a noise. Hey! this is good! Bring it on! *whine* aahh got them both round me now - hehe. I think I'll stand up for some serious bum rubs. Uh oh - that hurts and why won't my leg work like normal? Maybe I'll stay here a bit longer. What's Mum doing now?? Why is that blanket going under me? Ouch! mind the leg! Ohh this feels weird. I'm walking but I'm being carried too! Ahh the garden. God it's cold out here! Wee? me? no way I can't stand up let alone squat to wee! I don't want to go. Phew I'm being lifted back in again. More snoozing on the bed for me then. Mum and Jen keep fussing over me and I'm loving it.
I think I'll try standing up by myself. Ahh a bit tricky but I managed it. Now for a drink. This wrapped up leg doesn't hurt now but it's longer than my other leg and won't bend so I' walking a bit funny. Mum seems pleased I'm walking by myself - more pats :)
Jen has gone to bed now and Mum is asking me to go outside for a wee - I think I need to go now. Just one big step down from the dining room to the garden - here goes! Ow ooh! I made it! yayy! Now where to pee? This will do. Ahhhhhhhhh relief!
Mum watches me hop back in and seems pleased. The only dodgy bit was from the hall carpet to the dining room carpet across the smooth kitchen floor. I do not feel safe on it at the best of times and with this stiff leg I am sure I'll slip. Mum walks beside me and I make it to carpet just fine. Bed time. Looks like I'm expected to sleep down here :( I guess I won't be heading upstairs for a while. Oooh Mum is sleeping down here with me! :-) Night night mum.
I had an urgent need to pee in the night and managed to wake Mum up to let me out. Don't know what she was grumbling about - I did ask to go out! I know it wasn't much later I felt the need to poo and I woke Mum again to let me out. I thought she'd be pleased but she seemed a bit grouchy.
I got all excited when Mum said we were going out in the morning and I managed to jump into the back of the car quite easily with only a twinge of pain. I wondered where we were going, and found out after a fair drive. Another flipping vet :-(. My leg was aching as I stood next to Mum but this vet man went on and on. Another nice man came and took me away - away from my Mum - noooooo! Oh who's this? She's nice and friendly and has put me in a cage with a warm blanket to lie on. There seems to be a lot of other dogs around, and cats just over the way. It's a bit noisy but people come and go. It seems like ages before someone comes to see me and wipes my leg before putting a needle in me and then I drift off........
Woooo the room is spinning. I feel very strange. Oh no! What's all this on my leg? what have they done to me now? It does feel weird but not hurting so I suppose that's ok. Very hard to move the leg though. At last a drink! My mouth is so dry and my tongue feels all thick. *slurp slurp* oh that's better. Mmm I feel sleepy. Think I'll have a dose now zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Last night was bad. I remember going walkies at the park. The ground was hard and very cold and there were little slippery patches of smooth hard stuff. I made mum walk across the park when I did my poo over the far saide, but she keeps saying she needs more exercise! I watched her set off towards the bin and when she reached the fork in the path I set off at top speed. I knew I'd get in 2 or even 3 circuits of the field before she got back to the car, poor old thing can't walk very fast! I remember seeing the hard shiny patch in front of me so I ran across it then BAM! My foot went through the hard surface and I went flying! OWWWW did that hurt! My leg is on fire! It hurts so much! I yelled as I went over and Mum was soon at my side. I could not walk and just stood on three legs shaking. The pain was terrible. Suddenly I was being picked up by a strange man who carried me to the car. I was in no hurry to stand up. It hurt lying down let alone standing on it. Mum drove off and then all of a sudden I was being lifted out by another strange man in a blue suit. He carried me into a very smelly building - a strange smell I recognise. Oh no! It's the vet's! I was here not too long ago when that nasty dog bit me. I had people all round me looking at my hurting leg while Mum cuddled me. A lady stuck a needle in me and I remember nothing more until I woke up feeling wobbly in a cage. All of a sudden I heard Mum's voice then I was being lifted up again and popped back into my mum's car. I just lay there until we got home. My leg felt weird. Not hurting so much but it was all stiff and heavy. Jen carried me into the house and laid me down on a nice thick bed. I was not going anywhere in a hurry and dozed a bit. Mum and Jen kept patting me every time I made a noise. Hey! this is good! Bring it on! *whine* aahh got them both round me now - hehe. I think I'll stand up for some serious bum rubs. Uh oh - that hurts and why won't my leg work like normal? Maybe I'll stay here a bit longer. What's Mum doing now?? Why is that blanket going under me? Ouch! mind the leg! Ohh this feels weird. I'm walking but I'm being carried too! Ahh the garden. God it's cold out here! Wee? me? no way I can't stand up let alone squat to wee! I don't want to go. Phew I'm being lifted back in again. More snoozing on the bed for me then. Mum and Jen keep fussing over me and I'm loving it.
I think I'll try standing up by myself. Ahh a bit tricky but I managed it. Now for a drink. This wrapped up leg doesn't hurt now but it's longer than my other leg and won't bend so I' walking a bit funny. Mum seems pleased I'm walking by myself - more pats :)
Jen has gone to bed now and Mum is asking me to go outside for a wee - I think I need to go now. Just one big step down from the dining room to the garden - here goes! Ow ooh! I made it! yayy! Now where to pee? This will do. Ahhhhhhhhh relief!
Mum watches me hop back in and seems pleased. The only dodgy bit was from the hall carpet to the dining room carpet across the smooth kitchen floor. I do not feel safe on it at the best of times and with this stiff leg I am sure I'll slip. Mum walks beside me and I make it to carpet just fine. Bed time. Looks like I'm expected to sleep down here :( I guess I won't be heading upstairs for a while. Oooh Mum is sleeping down here with me! :-) Night night mum.
I had an urgent need to pee in the night and managed to wake Mum up to let me out. Don't know what she was grumbling about - I did ask to go out! I know it wasn't much later I felt the need to poo and I woke Mum again to let me out. I thought she'd be pleased but she seemed a bit grouchy.
I got all excited when Mum said we were going out in the morning and I managed to jump into the back of the car quite easily with only a twinge of pain. I wondered where we were going, and found out after a fair drive. Another flipping vet :-(. My leg was aching as I stood next to Mum but this vet man went on and on. Another nice man came and took me away - away from my Mum - noooooo! Oh who's this? She's nice and friendly and has put me in a cage with a warm blanket to lie on. There seems to be a lot of other dogs around, and cats just over the way. It's a bit noisy but people come and go. It seems like ages before someone comes to see me and wipes my leg before putting a needle in me and then I drift off........
Woooo the room is spinning. I feel very strange. Oh no! What's all this on my leg? what have they done to me now? It does feel weird but not hurting so I suppose that's ok. Very hard to move the leg though. At last a drink! My mouth is so dry and my tongue feels all thick. *slurp slurp* oh that's better. Mmm I feel sleepy. Think I'll have a dose now zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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