Just me

Sunday, 1 May 2011

I'm armless - or is it legless?

Almost two weeks since that painful visit to the vets at Ringwood where they made me all sleepy and when I woke up the nasty metal frame on my leg was gone! Woohoo! I would have jumped for joy if it didn't hurt so much! It felt really weird in my leg. My paw didn't feel the same, and trying to walk on it hurt like crazy. Mum helped me back to the car and I slept all the way home. Getting out of the car was hard and Mum lifted me down to avoid me hurting my paw/leg. I barely put that leg to the ground because it was hurting every time I did. I slept on and off for about 2 days and Mum was very worried as I was limping badly and carrying my sore leg a lot. I managed going in and out of the garden ok and peeing and pooing, but squatting did hurt. It was about a week before I felt like going walkies but when I asked Mum she said "NO" and just gave me my dinner. It seems like forever since I last went walkies and I hope I do get taken out soon. Mum keeps putting me on the lead to go in the garden so I don't dash off after foxes or those pesky squirrels. There is no fun in my life at the moment :o(
The soreness seems to be wearing off and I am trying to walk more normally but it does hurt sometimes. I can run down the hall to greet Mum when she comes home much faster on three legs ;o)
The BIG down side to all this is I have not been on Mum's bed in ages! She stopped me sleeping there with her weeks ago and now I don't think I can jump up there, or face jumping down! I just sleep on my own bed on the floor :o(
Not going out makes life very boring and I just wander through the house now and then. I manage the stairs ok, following Mum up and down. She's moved my bed in the lounge again today - she had that noisy machine out she pushes around. She took my bed away to go up and down with the machine then she carefully folded up my duvet and blanket and made me a very neat, thick, soft bed to lie on. Not a bad job Mum, but it's not where I like to lie down! Never mind I'll shift it later after my next snooze. That funny man James is here. He had delicious sausages for lunch and he didn't give me any! But I did get a nice cuddle and a lovely bum rub.
Mum's been in a funny mood the last week or so, but I'm not complaining because it's meant I've had lots of cuddles. I hope it helps her feel better, it does that for me :o)
Woofs and licks to you :oP

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