Lovely Mum has already opened the back door and my breakfast is waiting in my bowl. I go out and pee a couple of times in the garden then come in for breakfast. I had a sniff but didn't fancy plain bits. If I look suitably unimpressed she may crack an egg over it or grate a bit of cheese on it - result!
*Yawn* Time for my after breakfast nap. I humph my duvet bed around a bit to make it puffy then curl up on it. zzzzzZZZZZ
Mum has got that noisy sucky machine out she pushes round the room. I hate that thing and move out of her way, but she will insist on bringing it near me again. Time for another trip to the garden. Having to open the door stops the noisy sucky thing for a bit.
There's a weird smell in the garden! Someone's been here! It's that stinky fox again! I keep peeing and pooing where he's been but he does the same :o(
Time for mid-morning snooze :o) a bit more bed arranging then I curl up and doze off again. The little thing with an annoying ring wakes me up and I hear Mum muttering something about call centres, whatever they are. Back to sleep again.
Mum's on the move, collecting bags together and givng me a pat. She's going out! Time to give her the soulful look to make her feel bad about leaving me at home. The door goes click as she goes out. My cue to nip upstairs for a nice nap on her bed. :o)
What's that? A car? hers? Yessss - quickly down the stairs and do my 'missed you so much' whine and greet her as she comes through the door. I am sure she thinks I've been waiting by the door since she left. Boy, this display of love is tiring. Just time for a little snooze again.
Mum's had her food and has the noise and light box on again. Sends me off to sleep nicely.
*Yawn and stretch* mmmm time for a pee I think. Mum grumbles when I ask to go out, but when you've got to go......
It's lovely outside and I think I'll just have a snooze in the sun for a bit.
What's that? Did I hear Mum say walkies?? I'd better show willing. A bit of leaping about should do it and a few squeaks. She's put on my walkies collar and I'm ready to go. I hop in the back of the car and we're off! I watch which way we go and it looks like the usual park by the harbour. Great! just time for a nap before we get there.
The park looks pretty empty so I can have a good old sniff around without some pushy dog sticking his cold nose on my bum.
While Mum is picking up my poo I am heading off and away to check out the far side of the field. Lots of lovely smells mmmm. Wait... where's Mum? I can't see her! Where is she? Oh no! Has she gone and left me? Oh phew! There she is and she's calling me and flapping her arms, I'd better go! Look out Mum, here I come!
This run feels good so I run round Mum and head back round for another lap of the field. Mum's heading for the car so it's time to go. Just time for a nap before we get home :o)
Right. I'm inside the front door. Where's my dinner? I want it NOW! Come on woman! Gimme! Oh she is so slow sometimes! I can smell the tripe mix. Mmmmmm lovely!
Ahhh that's better. I've got a fat, full tummy now *yawn* I think it's nap time again.
The noise box sends me off to sleep nicely and Mum is settled for an hour or two.
Ooh it's dark now. I need a pee again and Mum lets me out the back. What's that? I saw something move round the side of the house. It's that *!&@ white cat again! I'll catch him one day! I run at him but he's already under the back gate and running down the road GRRRR Better check all round the garden. I can smell that fox again!
*Yawn* time for my before bed sleep :o)
All too soon Mum is telling me it's bed time. Good! I am tired out and ready for a good night's sleep ;o)
Goodnight all *licks*